
Before joining, why not read our membership benefits?

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Membership and course booking registration 
You can use the form below to register as a member of TTA West or alternatively register your details to book course places as a non-member.
There are many benefits to becoming a member and the fees are as low as £15+vat per year. You can see how much your annual subscription fee will be by entering your business size in the boxes below.
AND on top of all the other benefits our members save £10+VAT per person per day on their training fees.

Don’t want to join today?
If you don’t want to commit to joining as a member today and just want to book course places – simply tick the ‘Not wanting to join today’ box.

Let’s get started!
Important information 
Please select one of the two options below that best describes the type and size of your business.
If you are a farming business use the options on the left and select the size you farm in acres.
For all other types of business use the options on the right to select the number of full time (or part time equivalents) you employ.

Based on your business type and size your annual membership fee will be: £0